Thursday, July 31, 2014

Random thoughts..

Hey guys!

How's life? I am really not sure what I want to say today. It's been one of those days that you think to yourself even when I look back in 5 years on this day I probably still won't understand the implications of what took place. Don't worry. I'm not hurt physically; my fiance is fine too. It's just one of those moments where you grow up a little more and you realize your life is on a much different path then you previously thought. My priorities and maturities have shifted because of today. And it's not bad. Every learning/growing experience regardless of how bad at the time, I believe eventually has a good that comes out of it. I am sad that sometimes hard decisions like the ones I've made today sometimes have to be made. But no one promised that adulthood would be fun or easy. No one said that all the paths we eventually all walk would be paved with gold brick and filled with joy. Some will. But not all. This experience has shown me a lot, including who is truly there for me and who isn't. Guys, the word friend is meaningless without actions to back it up. If you call yourself a friend to someone then do things for them that you would expect a friend to do for you. My mind today is all over the place, so I am thankful for work in an hour and I'm thankful that I will have the opportunity to serve someone else today and make someone else happy. The hospitality field is good for that. And working in that industry has taught me that the little things really do matter. So while working until late at night stinks, at least I'll have somewhere else and someone else to channel my energy into.

Sorry for the short post, I'm not sure yet what these blogs are going to consistently be about. Maybe they'll stay random? I don't know.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Let's skip the introduction....

This blog is going to begin right in the middle of everything. We can get to introductions later. I am who I am and either this blog will be a success or no one will care to read it. Regardless, there is something on my mind today that just deserves more than a simple tweet or Facebook post. It demands to be said, and fully said at that. No sugar coating is wanted or needed here. Here is my problem: People suck. Like let's be real. They do. I suck, you suck, we all suck. More specifically I want to address the point that we as humans can't ever just love someone. Our love is always conditional on what someone else does for us or what they can give us. It's never truly unconditional. And as much as I am writing this to rant, it's also a reminder that no matter who you are or where you come from, any persons that you encounter or interact with should be treated with love, regardless of who they are or what they've done or believe, etc. Everyone. As a follower of Jesus, I believe him and his words when he says to love everyone. He doesn't say except this group or that group. He says EVERYONE. And this love we're meant to give is as much for the individual receiving it as it is for the person giving it. Loving others is so hard, especially if they're a bad person (they've committed a crime or slighted you in some way, etc.) but, it's a lot less painful than hating others. Hate creates a mood. It creates a tangible feeling that hovers and infiltrates its way into our lives. It's ugly, and whenever it's near, it turns people into shadows of what they should be. I'm not saying I'm perfect, or that I'm innocent of "hating on" someone via gossip or otherwise. Right now I am struggling with frustration with someone and it is what motivated me to write this, I'll be honest. But, I want to say that I will not back down on my views. I will continue to try and emanate nothing but love and respect because the person I'm frustrated with needs it. We need to start looking past whether we want to love and recognize that we NEED to love others. God's desire and command for us to love each other is number one. 
Good night y'all. 
