Saturday, August 2, 2014

Ticking clock

The clock is ticking, and I'm finding I'm just as happy. :) My wedding plans are moving along, I'm making plans with my bridesmaids for cake tastings, and I've decided on the cutest, best ring bearer anyone will ever have. :) I had a really good day today that showed me I'm fine and God does have me in his hands. I know this all the time but sometimes I need a reminder ;) delicious lunch with a great girl, and a funny movie with the love of my life. :) couldn't have asked for a better day. How are you all doing? :) 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Thoughts today...

Today my feelings have shifted. I finally am in a spot where I really don't care. I obsessed and got angry and was livid, and now I just don't care. It's not something worth wasting my time and thoughts and energy on. On a different note, I am off work tomorrow and it shall be glorious. Next weekend we're going to see my fiancĂ©'s parents and we're going to the Indiana State Fair, and honestly nothing in the world sounds better than that. :) I'm off to enjoy my day! What are you all up to today? Whatever it is, be happy you're alive. :) 
